News of Sanguosha 10th Test Server 230621

2023-06-21 13:33:39 来源:哔哩哔哩

Hello everyone, I am Hya Hong Tyu! Very glad that you can see this column!

In the last day of Sanguosha 10th June Test, 5 characters are adjusted, they are 孙寒华/Sun Hanhua, 卞喜/Bian Xi, 李采薇/Li Caiwei, 黄祖/Huang Zu, 刘虞/Liu Yu

Now, let's see how they have been adjusted!


孙寒华/Sun Hanhua (Wu 3)

【汇灵】 Gathering Spirits


Locked Skill, when you use card: 

1. if Red Cards are more than Black Cards in Discard Pile, you recover 1 life point and get 1 Spirit Token; 

2. if Black Cards are more than Red Cards in Discard Pile, you can discard 1 card from another character's zone.

When you use card that color is less in Discard Pile, you get 1 Spirit.

【冲虚】 Rise High


Limited Skill, during your Play Phase, if Spirits are no less than 4, you can lose 汇灵, add X life limits (X is the number of Spirits), and get 踏寂 and 青荒.

〖踏寂〗 Stepping on Silence






When you lose hand card, if the way you lose it is:

Use, you discard 1 card from another character;

Play, you draw 1 card;

Discard, you recover 1 life point;

Other, the damage you cause to other character +1 next time.

〖青荒〗 Blue Wilderness


When your Play Phase begins, you can reduce 1 life limit, then in this phase, when you trigger 踏寂 because you lose card, you get 1 extra effect randomly.

卞喜/Bian Xi (Wei 4)

【钝袭】 Blunt attack


When you use damage card, you can order one of target(s) gets Blunt Token. When a character who has Blunt uses Basic Card or Scroll Card and chooses unique target, he drops 1 Blunt, then the target of this card is changed to random a character. (After this card is settled,) If Random Target is same with Original Target, he drops all Blunts, loses 1 life point and finishes his own Play Phase.

李采薇/Li Caiwei (Qun 3)

〖异教〗 Unusual Education






1 time in your Play Phase, you can choose another character who doesn't have 异 tokens and choose a number (Between 1 and 4), this character gets 10X 异 tokens (X is the number you choose). 

When other character's End Phase begins, if he has 异, and the sum of card points he use in this turn: less than the number of 异, he discards 1~3 hand cardsrandomly; 

same with the number of 异, you draw 2 cards, andhe play an extra turn after this turn ends; 

more than the number of 异, you draw 3cards. 

When other character's turn ends, he drops all 异.

〖泣别〗 Tearful Farewell


After another character dies, if you have hand cards, you can discard all hand cards, then choose: 1. recover life to your life limit; 2. draw X+1 cards (X is the number of cards you discard).

黄祖/Huang Zu (Qun 4)

〖精弓〗 Strong Bow


You can use an Equipment Card as Attack that doesn't have limit about distance. The damage of this Attack causes is changed to X (X is the distance between you and this target, and the maximun is 5).

〖骁隽〗 Brave


After your card chooses unique target, you can discard his half the number of hand cards (round down). If any cards that suit is same with the card you use to this target are in these cards, you discard 1 hand card.

刘虞/Liu Yu (Qun 3)

〖绥抚〗 Pacify


when other character's End Phase begins, if the total damage points you and No.1 take is no less than 2 in this turn, you can put all hand card of character who plays this turn on the top of Card Pile, consider as you use 五谷丰登.

〖辟境〗 Open Up the Border


When your End Phase begins, you can choose any characters (including you), they get 自牧 until you take damage or launch 辟境 again.

☆〖自牧〗 Autonomy


Locked Skill, after you take damage, every other character who has 自牧 draws 1 card, then you lose 自牧.


What do you think about these adjusted characters? Which character do you like? 

Welcome to comment about them! 

Thank you for seeing here!


西陇科学: 第五届监事会第十四次会议决议公告

证券代码:002584       证券简称:西陇科学      公告编号:2022-080         ...

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